(09) 525 3095

Terms & Conditions

Cowperthwaites Roofing Terms & Conditions


1. The term “the Company” refers to Cowperthwaite Roofing Ltd. “The Client” refers to the person, firm, company or entity with whom the Company enters into a contract to sell to.
“Goods” means all goods referred to in this quotation, including where the contract permits any product or mass into which the goods are incorporated, assembled or commingled.

2. A contract for the supply of goods and / or services, including where the contract permits any product or mass into which the goods are incorporated, assembled or commingled and will constitute a construction contract pursuant to the Construction Contracts Act 2002 (The Act). Where the provisions of the Act are inconsistent with the provisions of this contract, the terms of this contract shall prevail.

3. The contract may be withdrawn any time before acceptance. Acceptance arises from the earliest to occur of: (a) the payment of a deposit or part thereof in accordance with clause 8.1; and (b) the completion and return of the acceptance form to the Company, unless the Company agrees otherwise in writing. The quotation will lapse upon the expiration of 30 days from the date of this quotation.

4. (a) Unless otherwise expressly stated this quotation is based on current material and labour prices. Any increases in the prices after the date of this quotation and before the date of delivery shall be to the Clients account. The Company shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy of any plans, specifications and other information supplied by the Client. The quotation remains valid only if the framing is constructed in accordance with the original plans or measurements submitted to the Company; any variation will be to the Clients account.
(b) If the giving of an estimate or quotation for the supply of goods or services involves the Company estimating measurements or quantities, it shall be the responsibility of the Client to verify the accuracy of the Company’s estimated measurements or quantities before the Client places an order based on such estimate or accepts such quotation.
(c) All building consent and / or compliance costs are the responsibility of the Client.

5. (a) Any times given for supplying and fitting materials is approximate only and shall not be deemed to be the essence of the contract unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing. In either case the Company shall not be liable for any delays in installation resulting in delays beyond the Company’s control.
(b) Satisfactory access to the building for trucks is to be provided by the Client. Additional expenses incurred if such access is not available will be to the Client’s account.
(c) The Company shall exercise reasonable care and skill in performing installation services but cannot otherwise accept responsibility should damage occur to the Client’s property, site, footpaths, ete.
(d) Protection of the roof from damage by other trades or persons will be the responsibility of the Client. Risk passes from the date of installation. Any ensuing costs for remedial work would be an extra charge to the contract.
(e) Unused materials on site remain the property of the Company.